Detoxifying and Cleansing

Detoxifying and Cleansing

Another method of healing commonly employed by naturopathic doctors is detoxification of the body, also referred to as cleansing. The concepts of internal cleansing and detoxifying have been fundamental to naturopathic philosophy for over a century, and have been practiced in various forms since Roman times. As the number and quantity of poisonous compounds in our water, air and food supply have steadily increased, the problem of “toxicity” has become more widely recognized. A substantial and growing body of research now supports the significant impact on health of acute and chronic exposure to a variety of toxins in our daily environment.

As we are continually exposed to these toxins, our body’s detoxification system becomes overwhelmed and toxic substances accumulate. This accumulation of toxins can wreak havoc on the body’s normal processes and is often expressed through the symptoms of disease. A cleansing program led by a knowledgeable naturopathic doctor may employ the use of vitamins, minerals, foods and herbs that aid the body in eliminating accumulated toxins. Cleansing aims to reduce or remove disease symptoms as well as promote overall health and wellness on many levels. The goals of detoxification might include increased energy, improved mental clarity, better immune function and digestion, and improved mood and sense of well-being. As with all naturopathic treatments, cleansing can be tailored to the individual’s own specific health concerns and wellness goals. For more information on a cleansing program contact your naturopathic doctor.

Can You Benefit from a Cleanse?

The following common signs and symptoms may indicate a cleanse could be beneficial for you!

  • Fatigue
  • Frequent Illness (colds, flus)
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain and Stiffness
  • Constipation and Digestive Problems
  • Increased mucus production and “allergy” symptoms
  • Sensitivity to substances such as chemicals, perfumes and synthetics.
  • Insomnia, Nervousness

Detoxification Workshops at Whole Health

If you are interested in participating in a cleanse be sure to consult your naturopathic doctor. We offer both individual guidance and classroom-style Detox workshops on a regular basis here at Whole Health Concord. Guided detoxes include dietary and supplement advice as well has tips on how to get the most from your Cleanse . It is also important to understand how to finish the Detox and keep healthy habits going forward.

Interested in detoxifying and cleansing?
Learn more about our practitioner that offers it.