Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the Law of Similars that was founded over 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann, MD (1755-1843). In Dr. Hahnemann’s time, medical practices were used such as the application of toxic substances (mercury), the bleeding of very sick patients and needless and often harmful surgeries. Because of the use of mercury in the treatment of the ill, the doctors of that era came to be known as quacks, a short name for quicksilver (mercury). Dr. Hahnemann often spoke out against such harmful methods and in the course of his life, he came to formulate the theories that underlie the modern practice of homeopathic medicine.
What is a Homeopathic remedy?
A homeopathic remedy is an FDA approved medicine that consists of a very dilute substance. When given to someone who is healthy, a homeopathic remedy can bring about the same symptoms it can cure. When given to someone suffering from those symptoms, the body is stimulated to heal on its own and the symptoms resolve. Hence, the name, the Law of Similars, or like cures like. There are no side effects of homeopathic remedies as are often seen in the application of pharmaceuticals. There are no interactions to worry about and these remedies are safe to use on the youngest and most elderly patients. Homeopathic treatment can be used to treat people suffering from the most minor of symptoms, such as a cold, to the very severe like cancer. Of course, the skill of the homeopathic doctor will dictate which types of conditions they choose to treat.