Here is how: BEFORE your appointment in the new year, call your insurance company and verify that your current PCP is listed correctly on your account. We are finding PCPs are not always correctly updated. This is important because your PCP may change with a new policy or an updated policy without you being notified. If your PCP on file does not match your PCP on the referral received at this office, you will NOT have coverage to see a doctor at WHC.If your PCP does not match then please request that the name is updated to your current primary care provider. Unfortunatelly, patients will NOT be able to backdate a PCP revision to your policy; insurance companies will not let you do so. Therefore, patients with incorrect PCPs on file will be responsible for the full service fee for any and all visits before the update.
Please call the front desk with any questions or concerns at 603-369-4626.
-Thank you, The WHC Staff